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Festival de Marseille

Les Festiv’Allié.es, spectators partnering with the Festival

The Festiv’allié.es are loyal festival-goers involved in cultural initiatives, collaborative projects and meetings with performers. 

The group changes from year to year thanks to new collaborations.

Curious and committed, the Festiv’allié.es share their vision and experience of Marseille, helping us to create a Festival that is closely connected to the realities of the city.

The Festiv’allié.es are able to analyse choreographies, know all about the Souffleurs d’Images programme, and are informed in advance about upcoming shows and projects: they’re the Festival’s ambassadors!



This year, the Festival is welcoming Emily, Pia, Michèle, Géraud, Karine, Magali, Dorothée, Leïla, Léa, Isabelle and Marie !